Sunday 1 June 2008

Tom Cruise - Cruise Gives Posh And Becks Joint Birthday Treat

Hollywood superstar TOM CRUISE has treated VICTORIA and DAVID BECKHAM to a lavish birthday weekend away at his Californian retreat, according to reports.

The Top Gun star apparently couldn't think of what to buy the wealthy couple - whose birthdays are just over a fortnight apart - so decided to treat the pair with a romantic break at his mansion in California's Napa Valley.

The actor surprised the couple at the former Spice Girls' birthday dinner last month (17Apr08) and also threw in his own private jet for the couple to use on their vacation.

A source tells Britain's Hello magazine, "Tom and Katie told Posh at her 34th birthday dinner in Los Angeles that they wanted her and David to make use of their property for a weekend away.

"They insisted that it should be just the two of them and that they should thoroughly spoil themselves after their hectic few months they've both had.

"Tom even booked his jet for them and told them they had to be at a private airfields at a specific time so work commitments couldn't get in the way."

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