Wednesday 13 August 2008

Marlon Brando - Dead Stars To Star Again In Movies

It is now possible to bring about a new movie stellar Marlon Brando -- a virtual Marlon Brando, according to Neil Dessau, headman marketing officer for Advanced Micro Devices. Unveiling the company's new ATI Radeon graphics menu in New York Tuesday, Dessau aforementioned that the card will permit directors to control not only the lighting, staging, and dialog of movies digitally but as well create virtual actors and easily manipulate their facial expressions. The online edition of Advertising Age quoted Jules Urbach, founder of a fast developing high quality animation as saying that it is now "possible to bring back actors from the past and realistically put them in new films."


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Wednesday 6 August 2008


Artist: Messiaen




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10